Grilled Chile-Lime Corn on the Cob Recipe

4 ears fresh corn
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1-1/2 teaspoons chili paste (I like Sambal Oelek)
Zest of 1 lime
1 teaspoon lime juice
¼ teaspoon of sea salt


Get two large pieces of aluminum foil ready – big enough to loosely wrap around two ears of corn each.
Remove the husks from the corn, and any bits of remaining silk. (I like to save the husks to use on a platter for presentation.) Place two ears on each piece of foil. set aside.
In a very small bowl, mix the butter with the chili paste, lime zest, lime juice, and salt.
Then evenly spread about 1-1/2 teaspoons of the butter mixture, evenly on each ear of corn.
Place the two ears of buttered corn in the center of each piece of foil. Seal the foil loosely, with an inch or two of room above the corn.
Preheat your stove-top or outdoor grill. Once it’s very hot, place the two packages of foil on the grill, and cook until the corn is tender. (You can peek into the foils and uses a fork to test — I like them on the crunchy side.) This should take about 6 minutes. They will char through the foil, so if you want the char on all sides, use kitchen tongs to turn them during the cooking process.
Open the foil and let the corn cool a bit before serving.


For this recipe I like using the foil because I like grilling with the butter, the flavors really seep into the corn — the butter would burn if it touched the grill directly. That said, you can also cook the corn without the butter, directly on the grill and spread the butter on afterward. Up to you.


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